Friday, July 16, 2010

Finished & Finalised!!!!

Yesterday I flew to Sydney with my Dad and had my appointment with the French Embassy for my visa appointment, I was a bit nervous and couldnt really look forwards to my holiday in NSW until that appointment was over~!

I'm so happy to say that the French man was very nice to me and said I had everything perfect! So I shall be getting my visa sent in the post very very soon! Now all I have to do is wait for the 17th August to come around, and all my hard work has paid off :-)

Now I'm enjoying my last holiday in NSW with great friends and enjoying delicious food, especially my old thai restaurant I frequented nearly twice a week in 2008!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

The final countdown!!!!

I'm very proud to announce that I have finally completed all of my paperwork in order to get my visa! It was such a relief to have it all laid out on the dining table- makes your realise how much work really went into it!

On Thursday morning I'm flying to Sydney with Dad and have my appointment with the French Embassy...fingers and toes crossed that I have done everything to perfection!

Oh my goodness!!!! -> Just on about 5 and a half weeks to go!!!!!!!